I’ve been working on an assembler for the byte-code to a virtual machine for a few days. During this process, I encountered the need to convert  hex strings such as “AFEE5C” to their binary equivalent, each 8-bit hex value (eg. “FF”) being single bytes equivalent to a single char in C. So I wrote a series of functions to take care of this for me.

/* Returns a byte of value equal to that represented by a 2 character hex
string. Ex. input of "A4" returns 164. */
unsigned char byte_from_hex_str(const char *hex_string)
	unsigned char outbyte = 0;
	unsigned char value1, value2 = 0;
	if (hex_string[0] >= 48 && hex_string[0] <= 57)
		value1 = hex_string[0] - 48;
	else if (hex_string[0] >= 65 && hex_string[0] <= 70)
		value1 = hex_string[0] - 55;
	if (hex_string[1] >= 48 && hex_string[1] <= 57)
		value2 = hex_string[1] - 48;
	else if (hex_string[1] >= 65 && hex_string[1] <= 70)
		value2 = hex_string[1] - 55;
	printf("Val1: %d, Val2: %d\n", value1, value2);
	outbyte = value1;
	outbyte = outbyte << 4;
	outbyte = outbyte + value2;
	printf("Outbyte: %d\n", outbyte);
	return outbyte;
/* Writes a string of bytes to out_bytes converted from the hex values in 
hex_string. hex_string must be a length divisible by 2. Returns value 0 if 
completed successfully, 1 on error. */
int bytes_from_hex_string(unsigned char *out_bytes, const char *hex_string)
	if (0 != strlen(hex_string) % 2)
		return 1; //not divisible by 2!
	int i = 0;
	int outbyte_counter = 0;
	int len = strlen(hex_string);
		char hex_string_piece[2] = "";
		hex_string_piece[0] = *(hex_string+i);
		hex_string_piece[1] = *(hex_string+(i+1));
		*(out_bytes+outbyte_counter) = byte_from_hex_str(hex_string_piece);
	return 0;

The first function takes single hex bytes as input and returns the char that they represent. So for example, passing in “A4” would return the value 164.

The second function expands on the first, and allows you to input a multi-byte hex string and will output a char array containing the equivalent bytes. So if you pass in “FFA407” as hex_string, out_bytes will be a char array containing the values “255, 164, 7”.

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment!